

I've made this website simply because I love creating.  This is my first attempt at HTML code and I thoroughly enjoyed doing it.  I will continue my journey into learning and I expect my website will change as my knowledge grows.  I've made pages on a variety of topics, everything from 'the blues' to 'hippies' to 'writing'.  I even added my journal.  You'll see near the bottom of this page a green area containing a camera.  This is a beta tester.  I thought it was cool.  Check it out.  If you want any of the pictures on this site, right-click and save them to your own computer.  I hope you enjoy all of my pages.  So please, get comfortable and may your journey be an enjoyable one.


Here is a summary of what's on this website:
GROOVY -  is a page devoted to everything about hippies.  I attempt to answer the question, "What is a hippy?" I've included Hippy related articles I found on the web. I did not write any of these articles. I do not know who did. Includes links to other hippy sites and lots of hippie graphics, so be please be patient while the page loads.  Please, right click and save any graphics you want on to your own computer thanks.  At the bottom of the page you'll find a music player with loads of groovy music for your listening pleasure.
SIMPLY THE BLUEZZ -  is all about my passion, blues music, of course. What is the blues? Types of blues. Some recommendations. At the bottom of the page there's a music player.  Click it to listen to my favourite blues tunes.  There are lot's of links to blues societies, festivals & blues website's of interest --- copy & paste URL into your toolbar.  There are bibliography and educational sites as well.  Although I've included links to as many countries as possible, most of the information is for those in Ontario, including an Ontario bars and clubs listings that feature the blues.  
YOU & YOU -  will hopefully help you be all that you can be. It really is all in how YOU, and YOU alone, perceive yourself, ya know! Happiness isn't something you get from outside yourself.  Happiness is a state of mind, not a place.
WHIMSY -  is my fun page. If it makes me laugh, it goes here.  Silly graphics and jokes.  Warning: some adult humour may not be suitable for kids.  Check out my pet chimp " Imp ".  He's an interactive pet.  Be sure to feed him bananas by clicking the 'more' button, or for real fun, click the monkey himself and you can move him around.
BLUEZZ EHthis is my poetry and short story blog, eh!  Copyright applies since it's all my work.
BE MUSE -  is a page for writer's.  There are free blog, journal, diary, and website links.
MEANDERING - my journal.  Anything and everything is in here including cute guys and hot chics hahahaha.  
MY ART ALBUM - this is a humourous album of cartoonish pictures depicting all the folks I've encountered online. Are you in there?  Some pictures are my own works, some are manipulations of free graphics.
MICRO BLUEZZ - this is a page devoted to computers.   Everything you need to know to keep your computer running smoothly is explained step by step. There are links to free must-have downloads that will keep your computer secure while online.  I also included many 'how-to' links to the most common computer problems as well as information on the psychology of cyberspace and chatrooms.


Microsoft has released a beta version of it's light sensitive camera for testing.  It works similar to a digital camera and allows you to have a picture on your computer screen.  Please click the camera below and follow the instructions....and ...smile, eh!












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